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Open Registrations

The following sports are currently open for registration




Football Commissioner

Scooter Marlow


Interested in coaching please fill out this form.




​​Football Commissioner

Scooter Marlow


Interested in coaching please fill out this form.






Softball Commissioner

Dewayne Alexander​​


Interested in coaching please fill out this form.



Image by Mick Haupt

​ Baseball Commissioner

Jim Chaffin​​

Interested in coaching please fill out this form.



Pom Poms

​ Cheer Commissioner


Interested in coaching please fill out this form.



Sports Offered


Click icons to get more information on each sport 

UAA Board Members

President: Nikki Young

Vice President: Kim Griffin

Treasurer: Scooter Marlow

Secretary: Jennifer Love


Other Members:

Amy Boyce

Jim Chaffin

Latoya Duncan



A. Will show the proper respect to all and be held to the highest standards of
moral conduct and character both on and off the field.

B. Will not at any time push, shove, punch, kick, fight or be guilty of physical
contact as an Aggressor upon any official, player, cheerleader, coach or

C. Will not verbally abuse or threaten any official, coach, player or others.

D. Will not harass any official, player, coach, cheerleader, spectator or other(s).

E. Will not use tobacco, alcohol or illegal narcotics in front of
players/cheerleaders during practices, games or team sponsored events or be
present during practices, games, team-sponsored events under the influence
of alcohol or illegal narcotics. This rule applies any time a coach or board
member is representing UAA.

F. Will show the same respect that is due to all participants, including: other
coaches, players, cheerleaders, spectators and league officials.

G. Will not act in any way that is detrimental to themselves, their team or UAA.

H. Will inform the Board of Directors of any rule violation by coaches, players,
cheerleaders, managers, spectators or other(s).  Board Member(s) will
document any observed violation along with date and time of the incident.

I. In all dealings with team personnel – including coaches, other coaches,
players, cheerleaders, spectators – Coaches will show the same respect that is
due all participants of this organization.

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