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Open Registrations

The following sports are currently open for registration



Sports Offered


Click icons to get more information on each sport 

Interested in Coaching or Volunteering



Coaches Background Check Information

Please select the following link to the site for background check completion. You will need to login and pay the $21.95 fee, however if you will send me the receipt of your payment, I will have you reimbursed.


You will enter your information directly into the system. That way, for security purposes, we will not have paper copies of any of your personal identifying information. Please note, this must be completed on a computer as the application will not work on a cell phone.

Coaches Code of Conduct

A. Will show the proper respect to all and be held to the highest standards of
moral conduct and character both on and off the field.

B. Will not at any time push, shove, punch, kick, fight or be guilty of physical
contact as an Aggressor upon any official, player, cheerleader, coach or

C. Will not verbally abuse or threaten any official, coach, player or others.

D. Will not harass any official, player, coach, cheerleader, spectator or other(s).

E. Will not use tobacco, alcohol or illegal narcotics in front of
players/cheerleaders during practices, games or team sponsored events or be
present during practices, games, team-sponsored events under the influence
of alcohol or illegal narcotics. This rule applies any time a coach or board
member is representing UAA.

F. Will show the same respect that is due to all participants, including: other
coaches, players, cheerleaders, spectators and league officials.

G. Will not act in any way that is detrimental to themselves, their team or UAA.

H. Will inform the Board of Directors of any rule violation by coaches, players,
cheerleaders, managers, spectators or other(s).  Board Member(s) will
document any observed violation along with date and time of the incident.

I. In all dealings with team personnel – including coaches, other coaches,
players, cheerleaders, spectators – Coaches will show the same respect that is
due all participants of this organization.

Union Athletic Association

Parent Code of Conduct

  1. I will encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches, officials and parents at every game, practice and tournament.

  2. I will refrain from making derogatory remarks or using foul language to or about the officials, coaches, parents, players or spectators of either team.

  3. I will place the emotional and physical well being of my child ahead of my personal desire to win.

  4. I will respect any decisions and calls made by coaches and officials and will refrain from “coaching” my child from the sidelines during games.

  5. I will demand a drug and alcohol free sports environment for my child and will refrain from their use at all events, games and practices on and off of school property. I will remember that I am a direct reflection of Union Athletic Association and Union Academy Charter School.

  6. I will remember that the game is for the children and not for the parents. I will do my very best to make this sport fun for my child(ren).

  7. I will ask my child(ren) to treat ALL players, coaches, officials, fans with respect regardless of race, creed, gender or ability.

  8. I will insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment.

  9. I understand that parents cannot enter practice or game field.

  10. I understand​ ​I will wait 24 hours before calling the coach for a face to face

    discussion. No coach is required to listen to complaints over the phone or directly

    following a practice or game.

  11. I will ensure that my child will attend all practices and games. When attendance is not possible, ​I agree to inform the coach in advance.

  12. I will remember that coaches are not babysitters. Parents are ultimately responsible for the actions of their child.


Conduct Subject to Discipline:

  1. Making physical conduct with any player, coach, official, league representative or spectator.

  2. Taunting or threatening any player, coach, official, league representative or spectator.

  3. Using profane or vulgar language or mannerisms.

  4. Going onto the practice or playing field.

  5. Any other conduct that is not in compliance with the bylaws of Union Athletic



Disciplinary Action:

  1. Verbal warning from head coach or commissioner.

  2. Written warning.

  3. Parental game suspension.

  4. Parental seasonal suspension.

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